
SASS - @mixin, % and @function

December 03, 2014 | 2 Minute Read


  • SASS变量:$
  • 引用父选择器:&
  • 直接使用变量名的字符串:#{}
  • list: $list: value1, value2,…; 或 $lists: (value1, value2,…),(valueA, valueB,…);
  • map: $map: (key1: value1, key2: value2, key3: value3);
  • @if
  • @while
  • @for
  • @each: 遍历list或多个list,和 map
  • @inlude
  • @extend
  • @media

  • @mixin (使用@include调用),@content
  • % (使用@extend)
  • @function, @return


在样式表中,你会见到一些CSS规则声明被重复出现了好多次。你明白这样的代码不好,而且还知道 Don’t Repeat yourself 这个概念原则。现在使用mixin去改善这样的代码:


@mixin large-text {
  font: {
    family: Arial;
    size: 20px;
    weight: bold;
  color: #ff0000;

使用 @include 调用

.page-title {
  @include large-text;
  padding: 4px;
  margin-top: 10px;


@mixin sexy-border($color, $width) {
  border: {
    color: $color;
    width: $width;
    style: dashed;

p { @include sexy-border(blue, 1in); }


 @mixin sexy-border($color, $width: 1in) {
    border: {
        color: $color;
        width: $width;
        style: dashed;
p { @include sexy-border(blue); }
h1 { @include sexy-border(blue, 2in); }


p { @include sexy-border($color: blue); }
h1 { @include sexy-border($color: blue, $width: 2in); }


不可知参数的数量时,可使用 参数名+ “…”

@mixin box-shadow($shadows...) {
  -moz-box-shadow: $shadows;
  -webkit-box-shadow: $shadows;
  box-shadow: $shadows;
.shadows {
  @include box-shadow(0px 4px 5px #666, 2px 6px 10px #999);

同时,”…” 也用于调用mixin中

@mixin colors($text, $background, $border) {
  color: $text;
  background-color: $background;
  border-color: $border;
$values: #ff0000, #00ff00, #0000ff;
.primary {
  @include colors($values...);
$value-map: (text: #00ff00, background: #0000ff, border: #ff0000);
.secondary {
  @include colors($value-map...);



//sass style
@mixin max-screen($res){
  @media only screen and ( max-width: $res )

@include max-screen(480px) {
  body { color: red }

//css style
@media only screen and (max-width: 480px) {
  body { color: red }

% (占位符)

如果没有被@extend, % 是不会生成 CSS的


As you can see functions can access any globally defined variables as well as accept arguments just like a mixin. A function may have several statements contained within it, and you must call @return to set the return value of the function.

@function与@mixin,%这两者的第一点不同在于sass本身就有一些内置的函数,方便我们调用,如强大的color函数;其次就是它返回的是一个值,而不是一段css样式代码什么的。 sass本身内置函数的地址为:sass functions

$grid-width: 40px;
$gutter-width: 10px;

@function grid-width($n) {
  @return $n * $grid-width + ($n - 1) * $gutter-width;

#sidebar { width: grid-width(5); }

参数传值与@mixin 类似


  1. Sass: Mixin or Placeholder?Sass->什么时候使用Mixins 和 Placeholders
  2. Using pure Sass functions to make reusable logic more useful
  3. sass揭秘之@mixin,%,@function