
say Hi to my new site

April 21, 2015 | 0 Minute Read

a advanced beginning.

Learn more about What are GitHub Pages? and Using Jekyll with Pages. It is easy to find that thare is a simple way to build a site for myself.

I don’t care about anything else anymore, just go ahead. Write my words, push my idea, share myself in time.


  1. Ruby 2.2.1 (gem) rubyinstaller
  2. DevKit quick-start (for window, The RubyInstaller Development Kit (DevKit) is a MSYS/MinGW based toolkit than enables you to build many of the native C/C++ extensions available for Ruby.)
  3. bundler (gem install bundler)
  4. _config.yml (‘pygments’ configuration option has renamed to ‘highlighter’)
  5. local TEST - localhost:4000, intead of
  6. Running Jekyll Basic Usage (bundle exec jekyll serve –watch )


  1. Add Discup to my site